True Blue

True Blue



from 800.00

Artist: Mahc Beau

  • Print type - Lambda Metallic 
  • Print Dimensions - 50 x 33cm (small), 72.5 x 48cm (medium) 
  • Edition Quantity - 10 
  • Price includes picture framing. A complimentary framed poem and perfumed candle are included in this sale offer

Artist's Creative Direction:

“All truth passes through three stages. First, It is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, It is accepted as being self-evident.”

— Arthur Schopenhauer 

This piece was visually constructed to illustrate the artist fascination of the number three. The poet Sir John Betjeman looks up at the station that he saved and a woman turn towards us as a man peers over a silver banister in the distance. The blue of the man’s shirt, the blue of her collar, the blue of the iron framing that supports the station. A symmetry between the three sets of hands. The statue’s right hand holds a bag as does hers, while the man in the distance takes hold of a rail. Each right hand is occupied whilst each of the characters right arms are bent at a near identical angle. The sequence of three is repeated in the three iron girders placed behind them.

                                                        ©Mahc Beau



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